Case Study

How The Click sold 25,000 Plushies

min read
September 12, 2023
September 12, 2023

The Click’s Emotional Support Demon Plushie, released December 2022, sold over 25,000 units, at 12714% funded. This makes it Makeship’s highest-selling campaign of all time, and worthy of further examination. 

We can tease out several important factors contributing to the success of The Click’s Emotional Support Demon. Rather than creating a character that was based on himself, or his persona (such as previous Makeship Plushie Cliccy Kitty), this particular design began organically as an inside joke with The Click’s community.

“It became a meme inside a video to begin with, so my very first sketch of this plushie was a meme inside a video,” The Click told us. “People latched on to the concept [of] ‘Emotional Support Demon.’ The demon changed a lot over this time…the fandom saw it evolve from an internal joke to a little bit more refined, to see the character develop, to turn into a sketch and  [finally], a Plushie.” 

Beyond the fact that this Plushie design started within his community directly, another factor to consider within the success of this particular Plushie is that, despite the internal joke, the idea of an ‘Emotional Support Demon’ is broadly appealing - it’s a concept that anyone can understand even if they don’t know the origins of the joke or they are not a big fan of The Click himself. “The Demon is very publicly likable, it’s not specifically me as a Plushie - the concept of having a mascot that you all appreciate in common, instead of making a Plushie of yourself, seems to sell more,” The Click reflected with us.

Apart from the nature of the design and the Plushie itself, The Click’s approach to campaign promotion also helped steer the success of his product. He launched with a bang thanks to his interactive and goal-setting live stream, and continued to promote his Plushie daily on his social platforms.

Interested in launching your own Makeship campaign? Fill out this form! 


The Click is a popular YouTuber best known for his comedic Reddit review videos. During his Emotional Support Demon campaign, The Click had:


The Click’s campaign, the Emotional Support Demon, became Makeship’s all-time bestselling campaign in January 2023 with 25429 units sold (12714%). The Click previously ran 3 other campaigns: 

  • Mango, December 2021: 8502 units (4251%) at 830k YouTube subscribers
  • Cliccy Kitty 2.0, May 2021: 2019 units (1009%) at 650k YouTube subscribers
  • Cliccy Kitty, June 2020: 1154 units (577%) at 310k YouTube subscribers


The Click’s campaign launched during the holiday season, and while fans would not receive their Plushie immediately, it still made for an amazing holiday gift. To encourage fans to get the Emotional Support Demon as a gift for friends or family, The Click even made Christmas cards for the product, providing the purchaser with ‘proof’ that an Emotional Support Demon Plushie was coming the recipient’s way.


The idea of an ‘Emotional Support Demon’ started as an inside joke within one of The Click’s YouTube videos, resulting in a rough sketch from The Click himself, before eventually evolving into the Plushie design we have today.

Campaign Strategy


The Click began his campaign rollout many months in advance, as fans organically grew attached to this idea of an Emotional Support Demon through his videos, before he finally announced that there would be a Plushie release for the character. He had a lengthy period of hype because of this – approximately 6-9 months – which unfolded naturally within his community alongside the refinement of the character, where fans were able to watch the progression too, as it evolved from a quick side joke to something much more fully-formed.


The launch of Emotional Support Demon was accompanied by a live stream on YouTube, which quickly exceeded The Click’s expectations. “I think I expected to sell 1000 or maybe 2000 if I stream for a long time,” however the stream ended with 4000-5000 units sold. The stream motivated fans to purchase a Plushie by not only counting down the minutes to the launch, but having goals and rewards to go along with them - for example, the sale of 500 Plushies meant that The Click would paint his nails; if he sold 1,000 Plushies, he would do a live stream from a hot tub - these quirky and fun community-based rewards encouraged fans to purchase on launch day.


Following his YouTube live stream, The Click maintained a consistent posting schedule when promoting his Plushie. In fact, The Click tweeted about his Plushie daily, and his Instagram feed was occupied with Plushie-based imagery solely throughout the duration of his campaign. “The Plushies are much more well-received than typical sponsorships, because it’s personal,” The Click told us concerning his frequent promotion of the Plushie. All that to say, the sentiment and reception to his Plushie-based posts were similar to any previous social posts he had done– “the reception was relatively similar, because something like the Demon is so incorporated within the community.” If the Plushie or product is therefore meaningful to the community and the creator, we can expect the community to react favorably to what may be deemed as ‘promotion’ of the product.


At the end of The Click's campaign, over 25,000 units of the Emotional Support Demon were sold. Given the success of the previous campaign, The Click has since launched a keychain version of the Emotional Support Demon.

Interested in launching your own Makeship campaign? Fill out this form!