
Creator Catch-Up: Choco & Pancake

Choco & Pancake

min read
June 22, 2023
June 21, 2023
I Created These Comics About My Relationship That Most Couples Can Probably  Relate To (58 Pics) | Bored Panda

Choco & Pancake has become a beloved comic across the internet, sharing tidbits of the daily lives of the eponymous couple. The web series, which only launched two years ago, was inspired by the creators’ own relationship, and perhaps that is what makes it so relatable– every post hits the nail on the head when it comes to having a significant other. 

The creators behind the account have kept a low profile, allowing their characters, based on a chocolate bar and a pancake - hence their names, Choco and Pancake, to become stars in their own right. As their profile has grown to over 780,000 on Instagram and nearing 1 million followers on TikTok, they’ve been able to connect with their fans even more via Makeship partnerships. Choco & Pancake has launched a total of six campaigns with Makeship since 2022 (!) and each one has received more sales than the next, proving their growing and engaged fanbase. 

Following their most recent campaign, Pancake and Choco in Love Plushies, we spoke with ½ of the Choco & Pancake team to find out more about their journey into creatorhood, their growth, and any advice they might have for fledgling creators on the rise. Read our Creator Catch-Up interview below.

Hi Choco & Pancake! So first we’d love to know, if you can share, how many people are behind the account? Does it take a team or is it just one person?

Basically behind this account is me and my partner/fiancé. I’m working on everything that has to do with the production of comics, animations and the communication and he’s a big part of the ideas, deals and everything else that might be needed. And there are also our voice actors!

Amazing, a small but mighty team! Was Instagram the primary platform you started on? Tell us how that happened.

At first I opened the Instagram account 2 years ago as a surprise to my partner after a long day at work. It was something we were discussing and wanted to do but couldn’t find the right time for it. We are in a long distance relationship and this was our way to feel closer with each other by making something creative together and also our effort to build our dream.

“I opened the Instagram account 2 years ago as a surprise to my partner after a long day at work. It was something we were discussing and wanted to do but couldn’t find the right time for it.”

Were you focused on the two characters of Choco and Pancake from day one, or was that part of the account’s evolution?

Yes, Choco and Pancake was our first idea even though my art style has been through some changes and evolution-- if you check our first comics you’ll understand– the characters and concept remains the same as it’s based on our lives and emotions.

What’s been the hardest part about maintaining the Choco and Pancake social media presence?

Keep posting regularly and being active on communication. It demands a lot of work and dedication, but I feel very blessed for the audience we have because they are all so understanding and encouraging. All this love and support we receive from so many sweet people around the world is truly amazing and helps us keep going with joy!

“Keep posting regularly and being active on communication. It demands a lot of work and dedication”
I Created These Comics About My Relationship That Most Couples Can Probably  Relate To (58 Pics) | Bored Panda

If there was one post in particular that really led to account growth, can you share what that post was/speak on it?

Actually there is, it’s our reel series of ‘alternative uses of a boyfriend/girlfriend’! 

Now you actually have more followers on TikTok than IG! Is there one social platform you emphasize above others now?

We emphasize both platforms the same, maybe a bit more on Instagram because we feel more engaged with our followers and we can communicate directly with them through stories and DMs.

In what way has Makeship (hopefully!) helped your creator and online journey/growth? 

Makeship has been one of the best deals for us! We’ve been able to bring our characters to life, engage more with our supporters and also it was the first big step to turn this account into a full time job!

We’d love it if you could share one final piece of advice for a creator in a similar lane to you that’s just starting out!

Don’t give up on what you believe. If you don’t get the results you want, maybe you need to make some changes, but keep fighting for your dreams! If you love what you do, people will love it too, you just need to find your audience.