Tips & Tricks

How To Post Consistently

min read
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023

Once you’ve started your journey into content creation, presumably with the goal of growing your account in order to create a community as well as fuel your reach, you’ll want to get into a consistent posting schedule. In fact, posting consistent content is one of the most important aspects to any content creator’s career and growth therein. That is to say, in order to grow your account you need to find a method of posting that works for you and allows you to put out content within your niche at a steady rate.

Keep in mind that this does not necessarily mean sacrificing quality for quantity - the quality of your content is still important and will determine the value, and thus the engagement, that this content receives. However, if your schedule is all over the place and your fans cannot reliably find you in their feed, then your growth will certainly suffer.

Below, we’ve elaborated on four ways you can ensure your post content consistently, allowing yourself the best possible chance to grow and find new fans at the same time.

Batch content:

Choose one day of the week to create content for your social media, and prepare several posts (a week’s worth at least!) in advance. You can even prepare captions in advance, choose your cover photos, etc.

Create a schedule:

Whether it’s for the following week or the following month, it’s easier to stay consistent when you have a schedule written out. A schedule should map out what content you’re posting on which days specifically, and it can even include the time you plan to post based on when your audience is most engaged and online - create an online or written out calendar, then stick to it!


In order to help you schedule, it may be good to involve the robots. This means scheduling your content to go live at a specific day and time so you don’t have to log on and do it yourself, via a third-party app or using in-app functions.

750+ Schedule Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash

Build up:

Consistency doesn’t mean you need to post every single day of the week, it’s about setting expectations for your followers about when they will see new content from you. Is it always on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays? Are there Stories daily? You may be able to build up to posting daily and intertwining daily Stories too, however, you can start small and still be consistent!